The Financial Crisis Goes On, Suze Orman Answers Your Questions, Palin Continues To Astound America, And You Really CAN See Russia From Alaska
We learn from Jessica Yellin that the more mature house of Congress is set to vote on legislation tomorrow, and they're hoping that deal sweetners, such as an increase in bank account insurance and other add ons, will convince the crazies of the House to give their support. Whether that will work out remains to be seen because constituents are still very much against any bailout, and vocally so. I'm confused as to why there is no mention of the bailout alternative offered by House progressives. It doesn't look to have gotten much press. Whose fault that is, I do not know.
Ali Velshi joins us next, instructing us to not focus on the Dow because the "stock market is a weak barometer of the economy." He's worried about the credit market, which is apparently already seeing some issues in regards to major corporations raising money. Obviously, if this continues, the problems will trickle down with disastrous results. So, uh . . . hey, at least we're not North Korea, right?
Moving on now to an Ed Henry piece that teaches us that today's word is "bipartisan." Can you say "bipartisan," children? I think you can. Because see, McCain is all about coming together and being bipartisan to solve this dilemma. Sure, he was Mr. Blame Game before, but that was so yesterday. Now he's one step away from friggin singing Kum ba yah, yes siree. Except, er, he's got his surrogates out there attacking Obama and, uh, while he's preaching togetherness on the stump, there are attack ads running on the TV, so . . . yeah. For his part, Obama has also decided to don his nicest rhetoric, but he's not the loser in this situation. After his piece, Ed drones on about some "maverick" and "country first" BS that is becoming increasingly difficult for the country to swallow.
For discussion, we're next joined by David Gergen, Ed Rollins, and Hilary Rosen. I've noticed that Anderson Cooper is getting even more specific with introductions lately, being sure to note all the political leanings, which is good. I bet this crazy election has caused an eruption of batsh*t insane emails to them. Anyway, Ed makes the same point that I did last paragraph regarding McCain playing nice, while at the same time running attack ads. Anderson does the balance thing, pointing out that Obama didn't call up House members to try to sway votes. Hilary reminds him that it was the Republicans who failed in delivering the votes they had promised. She then makes the very good point that ultimately, this falls at Bush's feet, because he didn't do a good job convincing the American people this bill was needed, which led to them rising up and putting the fear of God (or losing an election) into a lot of the House members. The Gerg notes that McCain has a lot of work to do because momentum is now on Obama's side. Fingers crossed, that's where it stays.
On now to Suze Orman answering your questions, and continuing to scare the ever-loving crap out of me. Okay, she seems nice and smart, but I think I would develop an ulcer if I had to see her about my finances on a regular basis. Simma. Down. Now! People shouldn't feel like they're being berated when they're receiving advice. The questions and answers are up on the 360 blog (sans overbearing personality and scary pointing--scratch that--there's some pointing), if anyone is interested. My favorite is Chelsea. Only 14 and already learning about student loans? Who says kids aren't responsible?
Transitioning now to more Sarah Palin absurdity, because the 360 kids just can't help themselves. I'm loving how they are so clearly as flummoxed by this woman as I am. We're first played another Couric/Palin clip in which the VP hopeful completely obliterates the McCain camp's experience argument . . . and reminds us all that McCain is really old. She's like the gift that keeps on giving--I just hope we can return her come November. We're then joined by James Carville and Bay Buchanan, before being played another clip. In this little gem, Palin is asked what newspapers and magazines she reads to form her world view. Her answer: "any of 'em," and "all of 'em." Oy.
Anderson can barely contain his bogglement as he notes she couldn't name a magazine or newspaper. Bay, unsurprisingly, thinks it's no big deal. She then tries to spin things as though the question was somehow a put down to Alaska. But Anderson is on his toes and doesn't let that fly, noting that there were no implications to the question and he's been asked the same thing a million times. Bay concedes that Palin could have been more specific, but keeps up her defense by trying to tell us Palin said she reads lots of them (them meaning newspapers/magazines). "I believe she said all of them," Anderson says, and then says it again after Bay tries to brush it off. Bwah! He is so on with this subject.
James is worried about Palin because he thinks she's "supremely uninterested in the world around her." This doesn't bother Bay one bit. She then goes into the whole "she's one of us" BS argument. You know what? I don't want my president (or VP) to be like me; I want them to be better and smarter than me, and with this ticket, I'm beginning to think it's the other way around.
Anderson brings up the fact that a couple of years ago, Palin barely even knew about the surge. He points out that he's sure Bay herself would have been able to give an opinion on the surge when asked. Then Bay spouts quite possibly the most jaw-dropping reply of BS I've ever heard: "I'm sure I did, because I do this for a living. I read the issues and study them. And I have strong opinions, and I come on CNN and I express them. But that's not what she did for a living." Oh. My. God. I read the issues and study them too and I'm a friggin nobody from the middle of the country. Newsflash: This woman is running to be a heartbeat from the presidency! Wake up! Anderson has this one too: "She was commander in chief of the National Guard." Seriously.
The final clip is Palin hedging and hawing when it comes to the morning after pill. Ultimately, she comes out against. James points out that the issue should not be Palin's personal position on the pill, but whether she'll prevent other women from having access to it. Amen to that. Bay tells us that she's opposed to the pill because she believes life begins at conception. This might shock my readers, but I actually respect Palin's position here, though I add the caveat that I am strongly against any attempts to push her beliefs on others. There has been much hay made over her opposition to abortion even in cases of incest and rape, but I think any pro-lifer (I'm pro-choice) who allows the exception is a hypocrite.
If the issue is truly about unborn life, then it shouldn't matter how that life was conceived, because the life had no choice in the matter. Having these exceptions makes it about the actions of the woman, as though she is being punished for consenting to sex. If you're going to be pro-life, be pro-life. Oh, and that means no death penalty or support for war either. Hypocrites all. Anyway, back with James and Bay, they argue back-and-forth for another minute or two while Anderson, I don't know, takes a nap or something.
Keeping with the Palin news, we move onto a Gary Tuchman piece that has become quite popular on the progressive side of the Internets. Remember how Palin hilariously claimed she has foreign policy experience because you can see Russia from Alaska? Well, Gary trudged all the way up there and found out that, hey, you can really see Russia from Alaska. (Sorry, Jeff Corwin. Tis true.) Provided he can also wrestle a moose (and really, who can't these days?), I think our Gary has just qualified himself to be vice president. Okay, the deal here is that there's an island that's part of Alaska called Little Diomede and then only two and a half miles away there is Big Diomede Island, which is a Russian military installation. Between the two is the international dateline, meaning the two islands are about a day apart. Pretty trippy.
There are only 150 people on Little Diomede and Gary talks to a good portion of them, including adorable children. So, how many times has Palin visited to keep an eye on those wiley Russians? Uh, zero times. Oh, way to keep us safe from the commies, Palin! What's funny is that most of the residents of the island hadn't even heard she had been selected for VP (or even knew her name for that matter) because they don't have television. The mayor knows who she is, but even he can't swallow her foreign policy claim. This just keeps getting more and more sadly hilarious. Although, what's just plain sad is the poverty these people are living in. There's little running water and sometimes they even dump their trash into the sea, which inevitably finds it's way to Russia on occasion. Gary's piece ends with, "So far, no international incidents. " Heh. Oh, and those Russians living suspiciously close to our country? Yeah, the Little Diomede residents aren't so much worried about them. In fact, I'm guessing that whole lack of running water thing is more of a problem.
The Shot tonight is . . . well, someone has named their dog after Anderson Cooper. And not just any dog. This is one of those dogs that you look at and just laugh out loud. Sorry, I don't have a link/cap for you. So, uh, nice compliment? I myself have named my hamster after Anderson. Kidding. I've never owned a hamster. I find it a little weird to name your animals after famous people, though I will admit that my childhood dog was named Cagney after James. As you might imagine, it wasn't my choice.
Trying to watch the webcast is becoming increasingly frustrating and I'm about to give up. I'm being webcast blocked! It worked fine before. I don't know if it's my computer or their links (I try them all). It'll load up, but there will be nothing there. Or the link will just take me to some completely unrelated video. Anyway, technology is being mean to me and I've about had it with all the bells and whistles anyway. Just throwing that out there. No reason, really. The show was pretty good. They're handling the financial stuff better than I thought they would.
Finally, some good news! The Baghdad government is going to start paying the Sunnis when we stop. Thank you to commenter rosephile for the link. That'll do it.